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Keeping you from living in the moment 

Think you are a good multitasker?

Think again.

Cell phones have a direct impact on our ability to multitask relating to studying, interpersonal communication, and driving. We will examine three case studies in order to critically understand the effects of how cell phone use interferes in our daily lives. In the case of studying, cell phones will distract us from effectively retaining our knowledge. In the case of communication, cell phone use during a face to face encounter will inhibit proper interpersonal communication. In the case of driving, cell phones will disrupt our driving and put us at risk for an accident. Our collection of research is evidence that you cannot effectively multitask if a cell phone is present, and you cannot efficiently perform individual tasks. We decided to do this topic because, as young adults, we know how significant our phones are in our lives, and how addicted we are to them. We have direct evidence from our personal experiences to show how important it is to stay disconnected when we can.

Join the conversation! 
How is smartphone use affecting different areas of your life? 
-Studying/School work
-Interpersonal interactions
-other areas? 
Feel free to voice your opinion!
How much does your smartphone usage affect your attention? Want to see where you are on the continuum? Take our test! Get a little introspection on how your phone is messing with all the areas of your life.
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